Access2online is PDFix's North American Reseller

PDFix Reseller

Access2online has been selected to be PDFix’s official North American value-added reseller. PDFix is the world's leading software tool to pre-process PDFs to become accessible to the disabled. Access2online invites you to use PDFix to find the sweet spot between automation and manual remediation by a trained accessibility analyst. We can show you how to prepare PDFs to minimize manual labor while increasing their quality.

Access2online can help you go from a standing start, through training and configuration (which is significant for PDFix), all the way to talented in-house capability. We use this software every day and are familiar with its deployment, implementation, and production workflows. We have the knowledge and experience you need to be successful in the technology transfer to leverage this great software. We are far more than a product vendor.

The PDFix SDK is a cross-platform solution to automatically extract structured data from any PDF. You can integrate PDFix into your apps and server solutions, and also automate workflows. Automated PDF remediation has never been easier into high-quality accessible PDF/UA. Its auto-tag feature recognizes all important structures in your documents like texts, images, tables, headers/footers, headings, lists, and reading order. Automated batch processing saves time and reduces remediation costs.

Let Access2online show you how.