Services - Targeted Accessibility Instruction Sheets (TAIS)

The Problem We Address

The internet has a great many educational resources to learn about website accessibility in general, but consider the need of staff members who don't have the time or interest to learn accessibility but are responsible to contribute website content that is accessible. They need a one-page instruction sheet focused entirely on the few accessibility issues related to the content they produce.

For example, let's say Cindy Smith is responsible for an organization's online surveys among her many other duties. Cindy can certainly learn all about accessibility, but she could just as easily get her job done with a one-page instruction sheet restricted to just the few things she needs to keep in mind to produce accessible survey forms. This would include a few words to make sure each form field has a "for" and "id" tag, for example, without going into the reasons why. But it would not include any instructions about headers and footers since survey forms come with those outside of Cindy's responsibility. Likewise, there are no instructions about image maps, tables, CSS, etc. since those are not part of Cindy's surveys.

Access2online coordinator Peter Shikli and four analysts working on a task

With such an instruction sheet, Cindy could take just minutes to make her surveys accessible. And if Cindy is out sick, Paul can use such an instruction sheet to pitch in and produce accessible surveys. Incidentally, Paul could have his own instruction sheet for producing accessible meeting minutes in PDF format, for example, which are his responsibility.

Our Solution

A Targeted Accessibility Instruction Sheet is our solution, and a collection of them can insure that your staff will easily and quickly produce accessible website content.

We use our structured approach to website accessibility audits to analyze a client's website, but in this case for areas of content responsibility. Then we review the vulnerability of that content to inaccessibility, often with active accessibility violations revealed as part of our audit. Then we analyze the content maintenance boundaries, for example, CMS templates that restrict staff edits to a content area. Lastly, we produce a Targeted Accessibility Instruction Sheet for just that bounded content responsibility.

Then we repeat the procedure until we have identified all the staff's website content responsibilities, producing a Targeted Accessibility Instruction Sheet for each. For an idea of what to expect, here is a simple one and a complex one.

Our solution is to assure sustainable accessibility by making it simple and quick.

Peter Shikli and analysts hard at work

How to Get Started

Use any of our contact options to tell us about you and your website. We will respond with a fixed-price proposal to do our part supporting your training team, but you will also have the option to task us at our affordable $49/hr to help your training team as needed.

Questions & Answers

  • Do you provide general accessibility training?

    Better, we can point you toward some excellent online educational resources that we have either attended or helped produce, including webinars. Quite a few are government sponsored hence quite affordable.

  • Must we do a comprehensive audit to produce all ourTargeted Accessibility Instruction Sheets?

    Most often, we produce just a few to start, the obvious ones or the ones that have already been requested by staff. This gives you a feel for what is to come, and validates their usefulness through application. Then we can do the analysis to produce all the Targeted Accessibility Instruction Sheets needed to sustain accessibility across the organization.