Services - Accessible EPUBs

The Problem We Address

Online accessibility is becoming a priority for many organizations, particularly educational institutions, finding eBooks as the primary learning resource of students today. As PDF accessibility experts, we can show that the commonly used PDF format has some serious limitations. Accessible publications allow everyone equal access to information no matter what their limitations and to comply to the laws requiring it.


Our Solution

We have a team of Trusted Testers certified by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security ready to address your EPUB accessible creation needs. We also have an IAAP certified analyst, which is expertly focused on WCAG, HTML and ARIA to supplement our experience with PDF. Our approach is to address the three categories, defined by the W3C, to reach compliance for EPUB Publications.

EPUB is supported by many e-readers, and compatible software is available for most smartphones, tablets, and computers. EPUB is a technical standard published by the International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF).

Access2online helps in the birthing process of born accessible EPUBs. Born accessible means compliant prior to giving the public access. Once remediation or accessible creations are complete we offer a letter of reasonable accommodation and stand behind our work. We can upgrade EPUB2 to EPUB3 / 3.2 and turn your inaccessible legacy PDFs into highly useable accessible EPUBs. The standard for years has been PDF but there is now a better, more reliable alternative that offers a superior reading experience for sighted and unsighted readers.

Our Workflow

Our workflow is based on the WCAG level AA Success Criteria and the additional features required by EPUB 3. The ACE Smart tool provides a starting point from which our analysts apply their extensive knowledge of HTML, CSS, and accessibility. We utilize many of our web analysis tools to streamline the testing and upgrading process for EPUB, integrating the latest web development techniques and best practices.

pdf to epub to happy user

EPUB White Paper

Access2online contributes to DAISY Consortium White Paper Publication on the benefits of using EPUB 3 for organizational and company digital documents. It’s time to use the modern digital publishing format.
Why You Can Produce Better Publications for Everyone with Born Accessible EPUB 3