The Problem We Address
One common legal requirement for organizations is part of Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. This law requires captioning of multimedia products. In addition, colleges, universities, and other post-secondary programs must provide effective communication for deaf and hard-of-hearing students to continue to receive federal funding. Any media content that is being used in educational institutions must be made accessible to all students and provide equal opportunity to those without disabilities. Legal requirements vary from state to state and federal agencies. If you do not know what legal requirements your company may be mandated to comply to, Contact our Coordinator.
Our Solution
A dozen analysts, focused exclusively on accessibility, since 2017. World-class methodology producing 100% accurate captions at prices beating overseas rates.
When choosing to make media accessible, there are many considerations an organization must weigh. Oftentimes there are drivers to creating accessible videos, such as legal requirements, an accommodation request, or other organizational policies. Finding a balance between all these items is critical. Access2online meets the market needs for an affordable option with a quick turnaround time and guaranteed accuracy.

Captioning makes the audio portion of media content accessible not only to those who are deaf, hard of hearing, or learning disabled, but to everyone. Accessible videos have the benefit of Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Search engine spiders inventory captions and use keywords found there for relevance; they cannot search across the video itself.
Making videos accessible helps those who are learning a new language, those who cannot turn up the volume in a noisy area and those who do not have access to headphones. By making your media universally accessible you are broadening your audience to people in all environments and of all abilities.